Wednesday, February 20, 2008

From Jeremy about Grace

Hey friends,

Recently we've run into a strange problem in our typical nightly routine. Typically, we eat dinner, give Grace a bath, get her PJ's on, and then we read the Jesus story book Bible. Every night we're excited for Grace to hear more about Jesus and how much He loves her. Grace, however, has taken a liking to a different character. Moses you guess? Noah? Maybe one of the twelve Apostles? Not for this 23 month old. Her favorite is Goliath. Yes every night, as Erin and I try to lovingly move her on to the others stories, Grace pat-pat's Goliath, kisses Goliath, and smiles at him as he threatens to annihilate the Israelites. When we read about Isaiah or somebody else she starts to cry and through her tears says only one thing...Goliath...want Goliath. We've almost given up the battle. Every time we read about his promise to slaughter whoever comes to face him, her little face just lights up like Christmas morning. It's cute in an extremely disturbing kind of way. I've given her my best theological arguments concerning how truly evil he is. I feel like the father of an 18 year old, trying to convince my daughter to dump her jerk boyfriend. "Really Grace, He's not good for you." So far, all the efforts have been in vain. Thankfully though, the Jesus Story Book Bible leaves out the part where David decapitates Goliath. That might have been a little much for Grace to deal with. She thinks he just goes to sleep at the end of the story with a boo-boo on his forehead. I'll keep you updated. - Jeremy


Sally Lloyd-Jones said...

Dear Jeremy
I came across your blog via a google alert for The Jesus Storybook Bible--and just had to say Hi.

Of course I"m so delighted that you're enjoying the book together. But I'm also particularly delighted to hear how much Grace is enjoying Goliath.

As a little girl, I was just like Grace--and for years whenever my dad would read to me from the children's bible storybook we had, i'd always want the same story: the story of Salome and the head of John the Baptist. Needless to say, it worried my dad, too.

But my take is this: Grace is already on to something. The best stories always have to have conflict and monsters in them. Children know those things are real and I think if stories don't show some of that, then the child on a deep level maybe finds that more disturbing than the monster--because I think they know it's not true. (besides which of course scary monsters make great stories!)

Grace has great taste in stories! And, who know, perhaps she'll grow up to write some of her own?

well that's my story and I'm sticking to it. But I thought I'd just give you my take... perhaps to shed some light on what may be true for Grace as it was for me--and also to say what a particular blessing Grace is to me. To meet a child who has the same approach to Bible stories as I did. I fell in love with her the minute I heard about her.

Thanks for sharing this cool story, Jeremy


SarahLentzyD said...

Hey, was'up Tates? We miss you in NYC. Glad that Grace is kicking some holy butt down there....
