Sunday, February 3, 2008


If you ask Grace, our twenty-two month old, who she wants to win for president she will emphatically wave her fist in the air and shout OOOO bam a!! For a while I have been hesitant to voice my support of one candidate because I don't like to cause tension. I know I have many many wonderful friends with the opposite political persuasions that I hold. However, I am not going to hold back on this one. After finishing his book and following the campaign closely I whole-heartedly support Barack OOO bam a! I know he is not a perfect person and I hold no delusions that he will be the perfect president that we all hope for, no such person exists. However, I do believe he is inspiring so many that have lost hope or fallen cynical. Please take a look at this video clip.

I was inspired to stop being a chicken about my views by my dear friend who is the granddaughter of a republican president and supports Obama. If she can be brave enough to be vocal than I definitely can! I must say, she has always been much braver than me.

P.S. I promise to post more about our life and less about politics. I am just really excited about this.


Leslie said...

Scream it from the mountaintops, Er! If he is already inspiring us to be a little braver about speaking up for important issues that will change the course of our country, then that says a lot about him.

I check this site regularly for updates on you all. Hugs and kisses from NOLA. Miss you.

Julie said...

Erin, glad you brought up the B.F.C. connection. I forwarded the link with your earlier e-mail and wanted to point that out to my contacts, but didn't think it was appropriate for me to let my people know who it originated from. It's fitting that you did.
I got some positive responses regarding the link. One friend said it brought her to tears. Another lives in a Super Tuesday state and is voting for him right now.
I love your family posts, of course, and look forward to an endless stream of them. But politics is timely and important right now, so please, to quote Les, "Scream it from the mountaintops, Er!"
I haven't firmed up my decision yet, but it'll probably be Obama. I will vote for him with a heavy heart as far as Hillary is concerned, however. I have such respect for her strength, perseverance, experience, intellect, stance on most issues, and capabilities. She has great talent and has paid her dues. But this country needs to come together in order to meet the challenges ahead, and Obama appears uniquely qualified to bring us together. To believe that he can actually do so and also move legislation, run the government, and conduct foreign affairs with the extraordinarily high level of competence that we also need from a president may be overly optimistic. But I guess I'm coming to the conclusion that now's the time to embrace hope. And your voice has played a huge role in getting me there. So, keep talking!

Erin and Jeremy said...

Thanks mom! You know that you are the reason I am passionate about politics in the first place. I must say it almost brought tears to my eyes today when a brilliant young lady in my sixth grade class eloquently expressed her support for Hillary. I just couldn't believe that our country was finally at this point in history.
The BFC connection is interesting but I purposely don't mention her by name because I guess she could really come out as famous endorsement. I'm not going to be the one to break that news! ha ha

Julie said...

Yes, hers could be a famous endorsement. Hope she comes out. On Saturday, the Washington Post published an op-ed piece written by Eisenhower's grandaughter, Susan, endorsing Obama. Check it out (
I just went for a run -- yes I did -- and ran into a neighbor who has great respect for Hillary and thinks she'd be an excellent
president. But she's supporting Obama. She thinks he's more electable. Hillary would fall victim to the same vitriolic attacks she's had to endure for so long. It's divisive, and the country needs to get beyond it.
I wish I had been in your classroom for your girl's speech! My passion for politics began when I was her age, during the '68 presidential election. My little heart was broken by the result that year -- and I've often been disappointed since -- but my patriotic and political spirit has remained alive and kicking. Caring enough about one's country to be involved in its politics is life-enriching. I'm so glad you're encouraging your students to participate and speak their minds.

About Us... said...

Dave and Grace need to spend some time together. Not that Dave is voting for Obama, but that he loves to shout his name. I think that it is great to be politically involved and vocal. I think it is a freedom that we should embrace, not shy away from. The more citizens are willing to openly talk about what they think is best for our country the more we all benefit. I plan to follow you lead and be vocal as soon as I can figure out whom I am voting for!

But hey...Go OOO Bama!