The whole experience of having our second baby went pretty much as planned apart from a few minor details (gender of the baby, name of baby…small stuff).
Erin first told me she was in labor at 5:30 Saturday morning. My heart jumped for a split second, and then I remembered that my wife has longer labors than any land mammal on the planet. As I lade in bed thinking about how I’d spend the next thirty-six hours I quickly came to the conclusion that I would need as much sleep as possible, and that concerning myself with petty “pre-labor” contractions would be a waste of valuable energy that I would need for later.
After eight hours, which included going to Kayla and Brianna’s lacrosse game in ninety degree weather, there were still no changes in Erin’s contractions. I realized it would probably be a late-night delivery. Once again, sleep would be imperative in order for me to go through such an ordeal. At 2:30 in the afternoon Erin went to the mall with Nicole Marino which provided me with the chance for some much needed shut-eye. I put Grace down for her nap as soon as she left. We prayed for baby together and then we dozed off together for about two hours in good old fashioned cuddle mode.
Erin came home from the mall around 4:30, contractions picked up, and within an hour her water broke. By 6:30 we were in some seriously intense labor with only a couple minutes between each contraction. This was my cue to start packing. Actually, Erin had already packed (good thing). Erin, her sister Sarah, and I arrived at the birthing center at 7:00 P.M. It took half an hour just getting into the birthing room due the intensity of Erin’s labor.
For nearly five months Erin had been telling me that we were going to have a boy. We tried not to find out the gender during her sonogram, but when we looked at the pictures, we were all sure we had a little boy and that he was doing quite well for himself. As it turned out, however, what we had thought were some healthy man parts turned out to be cute little girl legs. At 8:27 P.M, Karis Maria Tate was born. 8lbs, 21 inches, real real cute.
Apparently, because Erin didn’t use an epidermal or any pain medicine, the noises coming from the birthing room had a deeply troubling affect on Steve, Erin’s dad. The faces he made in the waiting room might have made you think he was in labor too. The midwives even asked if he was o.k. Erin also gave birth to Karis in a bath tub, which, in Steve’s mind had never been attempted by humans before. We tried to reassure him that crazier things have been done in giving birth, and that the midwives (whom he’d thought only existed in ancient Judaism) knew what they were doing.
Amazingly, since we were at a birthing center instead of a hospital, we were allowed to leave whenever we wanted. Somehow, Erin was able to walk out on her own at 11:45…a little more then three hours after delivery. It seemed like a bad idea at the time, but then again, it did mean a full nights sleep for me which was very much needed after such a long day with only one two hour nap. As it turns out, though, sleep is kind of the theme of this little girls life so far. Unlike Grace, who seemed determined to walk home from the hospital on her own two feet, Karis is content being our little sleeping baby. Her first twenty four hours saw no more then two hours of daylight. I joined her on much of this sleep of course, so, to say the least I’m kind of feeling like a joke.
God amazing provided for us with this new birth. Erin’s sister especially has loved us incredibly over the past twenty four hours. It’s nice having a labor and delivery nurse stay with you after having a baby. The powerful images I witnessed yesterday; of being delivered from a place of darkness to a place of light, through the blood and sacrifice of another, has impressed on my own heart, once again, the work of Christ in redeeming us. The best part of the picture for me, as Karis has shown me, is that in Christ we’ve been delivered into a place of loving rest. Rest in Christ and know that we are loved.
In Him, Jeremy and Erin
Erin first told me she was in labor at 5:30 Saturday morning. My heart jumped for a split second, and then I remembered that my wife has longer labors than any land mammal on the planet. As I lade in bed thinking about how I’d spend the next thirty-six hours I quickly came to the conclusion that I would need as much sleep as possible, and that concerning myself with petty “pre-labor” contractions would be a waste of valuable energy that I would need for later.
After eight hours, which included going to Kayla and Brianna’s lacrosse game in ninety degree weather, there were still no changes in Erin’s contractions. I realized it would probably be a late-night delivery. Once again, sleep would be imperative in order for me to go through such an ordeal. At 2:30 in the afternoon Erin went to the mall with Nicole Marino which provided me with the chance for some much needed shut-eye. I put Grace down for her nap as soon as she left. We prayed for baby together and then we dozed off together for about two hours in good old fashioned cuddle mode.
Erin came home from the mall around 4:30, contractions picked up, and within an hour her water broke. By 6:30 we were in some seriously intense labor with only a couple minutes between each contraction. This was my cue to start packing. Actually, Erin had already packed (good thing). Erin, her sister Sarah, and I arrived at the birthing center at 7:00 P.M. It took half an hour just getting into the birthing room due the intensity of Erin’s labor.
For nearly five months Erin had been telling me that we were going to have a boy. We tried not to find out the gender during her sonogram, but when we looked at the pictures, we were all sure we had a little boy and that he was doing quite well for himself. As it turned out, however, what we had thought were some healthy man parts turned out to be cute little girl legs. At 8:27 P.M, Karis Maria Tate was born. 8lbs, 21 inches, real real cute.
Apparently, because Erin didn’t use an epidermal or any pain medicine, the noises coming from the birthing room had a deeply troubling affect on Steve, Erin’s dad. The faces he made in the waiting room might have made you think he was in labor too. The midwives even asked if he was o.k. Erin also gave birth to Karis in a bath tub, which, in Steve’s mind had never been attempted by humans before. We tried to reassure him that crazier things have been done in giving birth, and that the midwives (whom he’d thought only existed in ancient Judaism) knew what they were doing.
Amazingly, since we were at a birthing center instead of a hospital, we were allowed to leave whenever we wanted. Somehow, Erin was able to walk out on her own at 11:45…a little more then three hours after delivery. It seemed like a bad idea at the time, but then again, it did mean a full nights sleep for me which was very much needed after such a long day with only one two hour nap. As it turns out, though, sleep is kind of the theme of this little girls life so far. Unlike Grace, who seemed determined to walk home from the hospital on her own two feet, Karis is content being our little sleeping baby. Her first twenty four hours saw no more then two hours of daylight. I joined her on much of this sleep of course, so, to say the least I’m kind of feeling like a joke.
God amazing provided for us with this new birth. Erin’s sister especially has loved us incredibly over the past twenty four hours. It’s nice having a labor and delivery nurse stay with you after having a baby. The powerful images I witnessed yesterday; of being delivered from a place of darkness to a place of light, through the blood and sacrifice of another, has impressed on my own heart, once again, the work of Christ in redeeming us. The best part of the picture for me, as Karis has shown me, is that in Christ we’ve been delivered into a place of loving rest. Rest in Christ and know that we are loved.
In Him, Jeremy and Erin
To call Karis Maria "real, real cute" is a huge understatemnet. She's gorgeous! Erin, you were phenomenal! You demonstrated such courage and grace. I'm so proud of you. Jeremy, as always, you were amazingly strong and supportive. You continue to be an excellent physical and emotional provider for all your girls.
Where can we see more photos of your new enlarged family!? Must see more! Missing you guys. As for us, baby is still in my tummy, but any day now... much love, the Dickinson
Way to go Erin and Jeremy. I am sure that Grace is loving being a big sister. We can't wait to get the clans together to have some fun. Let us know and our thoughts will be with you guys until then.
Aaron, Sophia, Lucas & Oscar.
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